
With plant & equipment theft rising at an alarming rate, Track King’s solutions are purpose built to help combat this and ensure your essential equipment has the best protection available.



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Theft and misuse of plant equipment is a huge challenge at the moment and causes heavy financial losses when it goes wrong.

We offer plant managers a complete overview of plant equipment locations and notifications when equipment is used out of hours or outside of a predetermined geo-fenced area.

By having access to the CANbus through one of our Telematics devices, our asset tracking solutions can provide users a diagnostic overview of machinery. This means that regular servicing; including preventative maintenance can be planned before safe working hours are all used.

On-site health and safety can be improved through our proximity warning system. The system alerts the office each time a zone is breached by a pedestrian on site. Reports for each machine and each site worker can be generated to assess training requirements and safety issues on site.

Driver behaviour reports allow you to monitor and manage your fleet to ensure vehicles are used correctly and efficiently. Reports allow you to monitor drivers’ speed, acceleration and braking.

Timesheets and mileage reporting allow huge savings in administration, overtime and mileage claims.

Ensure your company complies with the latest duty of care and working time responsibilities.

We would love to discuss your business requirement, or to provide you with a demo call: 0808 126 1516.

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